I was scheduled to receive my award in February even though I finished it in December. However, there was a mix-up and they scheduled it for last night. When they realized their mistake they agreed to change it. However, I told them that I just wanted to get it done and also that way I could receive my award along with three other people that I attended Woodbadge with. It is so nice to be done. It was a great experience.
This first picture is me getting my neckerchief removed by my SR-902 Assistant Scout Master.
HELLO!! Postpartum and your look awesome!! I want to come see you tomorrow when I don't have to bring kids....
Em!!! You look AWESOME!!! Seriously!!
I agree with the other comments, you look so great Em!! I wish I could have been there to support you, I know you worked hard for that award!!
Congratulations again! How do you look so great after just giving birth to a baby?
Congrats Em! I know that was a great experience and a lot of work.
Hey, Emily, would you send me an email at bethanne_kanzler@yahoo.com so I can invite you to our blog? :)
Great job Emily on the scouting... and the FIVE children! They are all gorgeous. I remember when Lydia was born in Texas and I can't believe how she has grown and been joined by more wonderful Phillipses! What a treat to catch up with your family!
You can see us and our FIVE BOYS at www.bringingup5boys.blogspot.com
Amber Joyce
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