Friday, July 24, 2009

Itty Bitty Bekah

...won't be bitty for long.
Rebekah has always been little. However, lately she has been too little. She only gained 3 ounces from 4-6 1/2 months. So, the pediatrician had us give her some formula. She gained 23 ounces this week! She has gone from 9 to almost 11 pounds!! It took a few days to get her to take the formula. However, now she is a champ and loves the bottle.

Way to go Rebekah!!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

House Update July 23

Lots has been done around the house over the past week. The backsplash is now finished in the kitchen and in the tech area. The air conditioning is now running and the two week period for the floors to acclimate has begun. The sprinker system was installed and so was the sod. The landscaping is mostly done. They still need to put in the trees and flowers. The cedar on the house has been stained. The builder spent several hours today making a punch list of items to be finished in the next couple of weeks. We are getting very excited to see it all coming together.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Ice Skating in July

We decided to go ice skating with LeeAnn while she was here for a much too short visit. Rich and I took turns holding Rebekah.

Richie and Lydia

Jacob, Jenn, and Rachel Anna and Lydia

Summer Fun!

Richie had fun waiting for the fireworks.

Rebekah was so good on the trip. Jacob rock climbing.

Lydia and Richie climbed too.

Rachel is wearing one of the shirts that we tie dyed. We had so much fun with it. We dyed shirts, socks and even underwear!

Lydia and Rebekah watching fire works. Georgia, Jacob, Lydia, and Rebakah at the Diamondbacks baseball game.

LeeAnn and Lydia got matching shirts. Rachel loved wearing Sarah's mask so that she could get her beauty sleep!

We all had fun at the circus!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Awesome Arizona!

We recently returned from a WONDERFUL trip to Arizona. We had SOOO much fun with family there. We went swimming a lot to try to stay cool and just to have fun. We went to the community pool.

Lydia and Jacob jumped off the high dive.
Richie decided that doing cannon balls was fun. However, he decided that diving was really fun.
We did so many fun things. My favorite thing was seeing Wicked with Rich and my sisters. The musical was incredible and I would highly recommed it to anyone. I do regret not taking Lydia with me. I would have if I had known how good it would be.
We also had a great time at the circus, the rodeo, the baseball game (INDOORS! :-)), shopping, eating caramel apples, rock climbing, Jamie cutting the boys' hair, playing Wii, doing crafts, getting our nails done, watcing the fire works, and much more. We look forward to having this much fun again soon!! Thanks to the Vallerys and LeeAnn for such a great time!!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

July 9 House Update

It has been fun to watch the house get closer and closer to being ready for us to move in.

They have painted the exterior and installed the roofs on the front porch and the porch outside the office door. They also added the sidewalks, driveway, and patio.

Today, they started putting in the countertops.

This is where we are going to put the computer. It is just off the kitchen and will be a great place for the kids to do homework.

This area at the top of the stairs will be a great playroom for the kids.